Automattic Launches Mayland Blocks, Its Second FSE Theme on

Automattic Launches Mayland Blocks, Its Second FSE Theme on

Posted by WP Tavern on June 16, 2021 at 5:43 pm
kitty kitty CATegory News
Automattic released its second block theme to the WordPress theme directory last week. Mayland Blocks is geared toward photographers and other users who want to showcase their projects. It is the child of Blockbase, a sort of starter/parent hybrid the company’s Theme Team recently announced. I had high hopes for Mayland Blocks going in. I have kept a loose eye on its GitHub repository in the last couple of months. It was one of the first 100% block-built themes the team seemed to be working on. While block themes are still experimental at this stage, I was admittedly disappointed. Maybe my expectations were too high. I was eager to be wowed when I should have gone into this review more level-headed. However, I am who I am, and that is someone who is genuinely excited each and every time a new block theme comes along. I am ready for the next big thing, but Mayland Blocks did not fit the bill. As I began the process of testing the theme, the first order of business was to recreate the Masonry gallery as shown in the theme’s screenshot: Expected gallery layout from Mayland Blocks My first thought was that the default…

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